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Trusted Defense For Las Vegas Criminal Cases

DUI Charges and Alcohol Abuse


The truth is that anyone can be arrested for drinking and driving in Las Vegas even if that person insists that they are only the “occasional/social” kind of drinker, but it only takes one wrong decision, a turn of the ignition, and you might end up with a crushed fender, a dented pride, and a phone call to Las Vegas DUI defense lawyer.

DUI charges does not equate with Alcoholism and here’s why:

There is a very large gap between an occasional/social drinker and a full-blown alcoholic.
Alcoholism is widely considered by psychiatric professionals as an addictive illness that drives people’s need to drink alcoholic beverages.  Treating alcoholism also needs to be done in several steps while a social drinker is a casual drinker who usually only drinks on occasions.

Most states require a person who is charged with DWI (whether it is his/her first offense or not) to undergo a clinical evaluation to find evidence of  alcohol abuse. This will be required for the judge to evaluate if the person requires treatment for alcohol abuse and also to determine how long a person‘s driver’s license can be suspended if said person fails DUI schools and the evaluation; they will not have their driving privileges returned until they have passed this test.

It is important to remember that DUI and Alcoholism are both serious problems in the country but there is also a large gap between the two and most people that are arrested for DUI have no clear signs of alcoholism. Talk with your criminal defense attorney if you have more questions regarding this situation.

Click here for more information about DUI.


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