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The Types Of Judicial Sentences in Las Vegas, Nevada


If found guilty in Las Vegas, the judge, being the figurehead of the judicial system, can decree possible punishment/s to the convicted. After the the deliberation, the next step is for the judge to sentence the defendant or what they call judicial sentence. The judge can impose several options ranging from probation to life-sentenced imprisonment.

1.) Probation

Probation is a court-ordered punishment that substitutes imprisonment. Instead of sending the convicted directly to Nevada prison, the probationer (convicted) will be allowed to remain in their respective community under certain conditions and rules that will be monitored by the Probationary Officer. Some conditions may range from paying a fine to attending medical counsels with the promise of reporting to the Probationary Officer as declared by the court. If the Probationary Officer reports that the probationer fails to comply with the condition/s, the Probation Office may have the probationer arrested. Violation on the condition/s may result/s to the suspension of the said probation and, worst, incarceration.

2.) Paying a Fine

On minor offenses, because there is a required minimum jail time, a fine can serve as a punishment to the convicted, but it shouldn’t be confused with restitution where a convicted is required to give service to the community without pay. Moreover, the amount of fine the convicted has to pay is normally left on the discretion of the court which may cover the damage or agreement between the aggrieved party and the convicted. Also, an offender who has a fine to answer would have a conviction registered in a database that may be used against them. They will have to apply for pardon and pay the fine for this record be removed.

3.) Imprisonment

Imprisonment is a penalty imposed by the court where a convicted will be confined in a facility for an extended period of time. Like paying fines, the convicted has to apply for a pardon to remove the jail records. If, on some cases, the convicted shows positive records on the jail he/she is into, the sentencing judge can give him/her credits called “pre-sentence custody.” This credit can reduce the offender’s time in jail. In other states, “determinate prison” sentences are required to determine the specific period of time ta convicted has to account. That is in contrast to “indeterminate sentences” where the legislative body of the government decides the maximum and/or minimum period of time before releasing the convicted. Law is a very interesting topic to learn since it involves our rights. Knowing you basic rights isn’t enough; you must be aware of how to protect yourself and your loved ones when the need arises. It is best if you consult Las Vegas Criminal Defense Attorney Goodman for your defense today.

For more information about Judicial sentences, get in touch with a criminal defense attorney in Las Vegas.


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