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How a Las Vegas DUI Charge Can Affect Your Medical Career


Las Vegas DUI offenses come with severe consequences for the convicted. On top of possible fines and prison time, a person convicted of DUI can expect to lose their driving license with a high chance of not getting it back. There’s also the problem of how a drunk driving charge on a person’s record can affect any future employment prospects that they may have.

If you happen to be a professional with a prominent career in Las Vegas, the repercussions of driving under the influence are even worse. IT professionals, business executives, architects, professional athletes and more can stand to lose more than just their driving privileges if they end up being caught while inebriated. For now, let’s look at the effects of a DUI conviction for physicians in Las Vegas.

Physicians and Numbers

DUI statistics come in many forms and figures these days. Unsurprisingly, the numbers show that drunk driving arrests cover a wide variety of people from all across the country. Differences may only be pronounced in certain factors, like social demographics and age distribution.

As far as medical professionals and drunk driving-related statistics go, the figures are unsurprisingly similar. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health points out that 5.5% of medical workers across the US are going through at least one instance of substance abuse. A related study, meanwhile, points out that alcohol is the leading drug abused by medical professionals. However, the average amount of alcohol consumed appears to be higher than the national average for people in the 18-and-above age range, a surprising revelation for the profession.

What Happens to a Physician With DUI

Physicians and medical workers convicted for DUI in Las Vegas get the same kind of punishment as the rest of the populace, depending on the severity of their drunk driving incident and on whether or not they are doing a repeat offense. On top of that, however, physicians facing a DUI charge can expect a separate set of punishments from the State of Nevada’s Medical Examinations Board, the overall authority for medical professionals in the state. Such penalties may involve:

  • fines separate from the one handed out by the court
  • random alcohol blood testing
  • probation for an indefinite period
  • mandatory counseling sessions for severe cases
  • a citation or ‘letter of concern’ on the professional file
  • revocation of license without the chance to appeal or re-apply

How Physicians Deal with their DUI Charges

State medical boards vary in their approach when dealing with a possible physician DUI case. For example, some first DUI offenders may come off with a slight reprimand, but may still be eligible to practice medicine in Nevada so long as they don’t end up in another DUI case within a set time period. On subsequent incidents, or if the case was severe enough that it may warrant a felony charge, the Board will summon the accused and will require them to undertake an evaluation to determine if they may need a medical intervention themselves.

Above all this, medical professionals who are convicted in Nevada for DUI must report the results to the Board concerned. Physicians, nurses, and other people working in the medical field are granted anywhere between 15 and 30 days to report their situation to the board and update their medical profiles accordingly. Failing to do so can adversely affect their chances of renewing their licenses in the future.

Physicians with a possible DUI conviction in Las Vegas should understand they stand to lose more than the average citizen if they are found guilty. Get in touch with a veteran Las Vegas criminal defense attorney to avoid the professional and legal complications later.

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