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What Las Vegas DUI Schools Don’t Tell Us – DUI Lawyer


For every person convicted for a first driving under the influence conviction in Las Vegas, your DUI Attorney can tell you that the Court will impose a requirement that he or she enroll in and complete a state approved traffic safety school course. This is commonly referred to as “DUI School.” This eight hour program costs each attendee approximately $150 to $ 300.  The purpose of getting an offender admitted to a DUI schoolis to educate them to make healthier, safer choices about drinking and driving in the future.

The plaintiffs who are accused of second DUI are usually not sentenced to finish DWI School. Instead, they are ordered to complete a longer and more intense “DUI Court” alcohol and substance-abuse interventions and treatment program.

If you are convicted of driving while intoxicated, you will be given information about where and how you can complete the program in a DUI school. [Tweet “You have the option to attend the course online, by mail correspondence, or in an actual classroom.”] Nevada judges normally order an eight-hour DUI School program. Sometimes the judge will order a sixteen- or twenty-four-hour course, especially if the person’s BAC was found very high or if there are other extenuating circumstances surrounding the drunken driving charge. The DUI School programs in Las Vegas are taught in a classroom, which are completed in one day (usually lasts from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on a Saturday). For those who opt to do the program online or by correspondence, the DUI School materials are meant to span eight hours of learning and they typically have up to one month to finish the course.

There’s a combination of lectures, in-class exercises, class discussions, video presentations, and final exam for the in-class program. Online and mail correspondence courses are also series of lessons with review questions and a final exam at the end. Those who do not pass their final exam, which is in multiple-choice format, can usually take it one more time without having to pay extra.

The successful completion of a DUI schoolcourse is not a guarantee that the suspension of your driver’s license would not be withdrawn nor that the DUI charges against you would be dropped or reduced. It simply means that you have satisfied one of the requirements set by the Court. For your administrative and criminal hearings, you will still have to get a Las Vegas DUI Lawyer to look after your interests. Depending on the specific facts of your case, your attorney should be able to map out an option which would be most advantageous for you, i.e., talk with the prosecutor about possibly dropping the charges against you, work out a plea bargain agreement, or proceed with a jury trial. While he will always have your best interest in mind, how he will represent you and defend you in court will be based on the available evidence at hand.

Need more information regarding DUI? Visit Goodman Law Group‘s DUI page, you may click the header.

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