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Getting a Job with a Domestic Violence Conviction


Can you get a job with a domestic violence conviction? You might, but it will not be easy as one of the most disfavored crimes that can be found in your background is domestic violence. Primarily because it reveals your violent side which is not good for employers who wanted to provide a safe workplace for their company.

Because domestic violence in Las Vegas is rampant, there are a lot of available jobs one can get but, as we said, the majority of them are not willing to accept people with a history of violent crime in their past so getting a job with a domestic violence conviction could be brutal. If you are currently facing charges of domestic violence in Las Vegas and you are worried that a conviction of it can ruin your chances of having a job and safeguarding your future, get the expertise of a Las Vegas criminal defense attorney.

Charged vs. convicted

How the domestic violence charge is imposed on you will make a difference in your job search. If you are just charged with domestic violence and those charges were eventually dropped or you are acquitted from them, then there are better chances of you landing a steady job. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, an arrest or eventual charge is not enough to treat the person as responsible for those crimes.

Nonetheless, you need to understand that it will be tough for you to find available jobs for domestic violence offenders, especially if it was a felony conviction and you were incarcerated. The finest thing you can do is be honest during your job application and show that you have changed for the better and is willing to learn once again, or you could just let time rebuild your reputation. This is best applicable to misdemeanor convictions as companies and business owners can be less vigilant about misdemeanors even if they find it in a domestic violence background check for the applicant.

Ways to get a job in spite of domestic violence conviction

The good thing is there are steps you could take to further increase the chances of you getting a job even with a domestic violence conviction. More than anything, the first thing you can do is contact your criminal defense attorney. You need their knowledge about domestic violence as a whole, specifically what happens post-conviction of a crime.

One of the things they can tell you to do is to seal your records. This is where your domestic violence conviction becomes invisible to the public but still accessible by the government. However, there is a catch. There is a waiting time of seven years for misdemeanor charges and at least 10 years for felony charges. When you were only charged with a misdemeanor but never convicted, there should be no waiting time and you can immediately apply for sealing of your records (you can also do such thing as sealing Las Vegas DUI records). Nonetheless, these waiting times are actually worth the wait as when the time comes, you can finally commence on getting a job even with a domestic violence conviction.

Another solution a Las Vegas domestic violence lawyer could advise you to do is to slowly build your character up. If you have family members who have businesses and are willing to take you as a worker then you should probably take it. You should also look for organizations who are willing to give jobs for domestic violence offenders and institutions that provide trainings and certifications regardless of the background of a person.

Entering rehabilitation programs to further rebuild your professional integrity should also be your top priority. During this time, you could depend on your family’s physical and emotional support as you might not be earning that much or not earning at all.

Some jobs also need licenses. When you were a licensed practitioner before the domestic violence conviction and you were forced to give it up, you can apply for a new one after a particular period of time to show that you were once again ready to be professional.

Getting a job with a domestic violence conviction is one sign that you are ready to recover and ready to change your life for the better. But the reality of life could get the better of you. One domestic violence background check and your chances for a certain job would be thwarted. To avoid consequences like this, you need to save yourself while it is still early. Secure your liberty to find a job with the guidance of a Las Vegas criminal defense attorney during a false domestic violence accusation!
